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Latest Search Engine Spam Techniques

Faken's Photo Faken 14 Aug 2004

In this article from Sitepoint, Gord looks at the many ways website owners are living the dog eat dog world of search engine rankings. Competition if fierce and some people will stop at nothing to get noticed in search results... this is a great read so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Latest Search Engine Spam Techniques
By Gord Collins
August 9th 2004
Reader Rating: 8.7
Search engine rankings are extremely competitive and Website owners are under pressure to do all they can to gain visibility in search results.

Those pressures come from many quarters: there are branding restrictions, style guidelines, legal issues, navigation needs, sales conversion demands, site interaction demands and more.

The fact remains, though, that search engines were designed for information purposes. This presents hurdles to businesses that try to exploit the search engines in order to attract users who seek in information, then try to sell them something. To overcome these hurdles, many businesses use increasingly ruthless tactics -- tactics that lead them into dishonest territory -- to gain those higher search rankings.

Exploiting the Engine
The exploitation of search engines today is a serious issue, but, like it or not, most businesses see it as something that must be done -- an online business imperative. To exploit a search engine, however, most organizations must exploit a search engine optimization company. In these arrangements, exploitation, or the gaining of something for nothing, becomes the central theme for interaction between client and SEO provider.

Thousands of SEO providers are now in business, and each ranking promiser is more famous than the next. For numerous of these service providers, quality is not an issue. What matters is making promises that beat the competition and win them the client. Faced with these enormous and often unreasonable pressures, ethical SEOs will withdraw from an optimization project. Unethical SEOs, however, will take on the project, saying, "No problem. I'll take care of it."

... read the rest of this HUGE article at http://www.sitepoint...spam-techniques
