1. Design & Illustration
  2. Graphic Design
  3. 3D Design

Create a Realistic Subway Station Scene using Cinema 4D and After Effects

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60+ min read

This 2 part tutorial takes us underground to examine how to build a 3D model of a subway train and make it zip past a real subway platform. First, we'll use Cinema 4D to craft a subway car using a few basic primitive shapes, while adding detail with Sweep, Extrude, and Loft NURBS elements. Then, we'll texture and light our car to create a realistic look, and allow our CG car to blend in with our real subway environment. Finally, the MoGraph module will help us clone our car and make a long train to animate into our scene, and then we'll do some quick adjustments in After Effects to put the finishing touches on our subway station composite.

Final Effect Preview

The project files can be found at the following link: https://cdn.tutsplus.com/cg/uploads/legacy/092_C4D_Subway/subwayfiles.zip" data-original-url="http://cgtuts.s3.amazonaws.com/092_C4D_Subway/subwayfiles.zip .

Note: click the 'Monitor' icon to view tutorial in full-screen HD.

Note: click the 'Monitor' icon to view tutorial in full-screen HD.

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