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Noise Reduction in Photoshop

PhotoWorkshops's Photo PhotoWorkshops 23 Dec 2011

I generally use Literoom 3 for post processing my photos, and find the noise reduction pretty good.
when using Photoshop CS5 however I struggle to find the best settings.
does anyone know of a tutorial specifically covering noise reductuction?


1P0's Photo 1P0 23 Dec 2011

See if this helps:

Mooey's Photo Mooey 03 Jan 2012

I would stick with Lightroom for your noise reduction, it works brilliantly on RAW files.

Ideally you should be reducing your noise levels before doing any post work in Photoshop; post production only enhances noise.

I've had a play with Nik's Define 2.0 which was very impressive http://www.niksoftwa...ne/en/entry.php