Friday, September 30, 2011

Test your Antivirus If it is working or not

Create your own antivirus testing file.

You have install a Antivirus Application but still you don't know if your Antivirus application is doing its duty for you or not, in this case i suggest you to test your virus scan program . In this post I'll show you how to test your Antivirus whether it is working or not. I'm going to create a file name EICAR.

EICAR is the standard Antivirus test file which is a combine effort by the Antivirus Vendor all over the world to implement one standard by which we the customer can verify whether the antivirus is working fine or not.
To test your installation do the following steps:
1. open a notepad

2. copy and paste " X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* " (without ") inside the notepad.

3. Click the File menu and select 'save as'.
4. Change the 'Save as Type' to 'all files'.
5. Name the notepad file as
If your Antivirus is working or running  and configured correctly, when you try to save the file, The Antivirus will detect the virus. If antivirus is not running , start it and scan the directory where you have the file   EICAR.COM. When your software scans this file, it will report finding the EICAR test file.

Note: This file is  NOT A VIRUS and it is just for testing purpose. It is suggested to delete it after testing is done.

If yo want to download the eicar test virus file than here is the link


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