How to Create, Change, and Use a Password Hint in Windows 7

This will show you how to create or change a password hint for another user's or your user account in Windows 7 to have that password hint display to help you remember the password if you enter an incorrect password when trying to log on.

The password hint that you create will be visible to everyone that uses your computer. Be sure to not use your actual password as the password hint, and to have the password hint be something that only helps you to remember or know what your password is.


How to Create a Password Hint

NOTE: This option is if the user account either does not have a password created for it yet, and/or does not have a password hint for it yet.
1. Do either step 2 or 3 below depending on how you wanted to create a password hint.

2. If the User Account is Already Password Protected
A) Use the Change your password option in User Accounts (Control Panel), type in either the same current password or a new password, type in a password hint, and click on Change password. (see screenshot below)
Password Hint - Create, Change, and Use-change.jpg
B) Go to step 4.
3. If the User Account is NOT Password Protected
A) Use the Create a password option in User Accounts (Control Panel), type in the same new password twice, type in a password hint, and click on Change password. (see screenshot below)
Password Hint - Create, Change, and Use-create.jpg
B) Go to step 4.
4. When finished, close User Accounts window.


How to Change a Password Hint

NOTE: This option is if the user account already has a password hint created using OPTION ONE above, and you would like to change it.
1. Use the Change your password option in User Accounts (Control Panel), type in either the same current password or a new password, type in a new password hint, and click on Change password. (see screenshot below)
Password Hint - Create, Change, and Use-change.jpg
2. When finished, close User Accounts window.


How to Use and See a Password Hint

NOTE: This option is when for if you forgot your password, and typed in a incorrect password in the log on screen.
1. In the log on screen, select your user account icon (avatar), type in a incorrect password, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
Password Hint - Create, Change, and Use-step1.jpg
2. Click on OK. (see screenshot below)
Password Hint - Create, Change, and Use-step2.jpg
3. You will now see your password hint displayed under the password box to try and help you remember what your password is. (see screenshot below)
Password Hint - Create, Change, and Use-step3.jpg
That's it,