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Browsergames: Creating a basic Isometric Map
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Posted on June 8th, 2010

4. jQuery Plugin

First the javascript file, I commented every line to explain how it works. If this is not enough for you, just shout and I will add some more explanation of it.


* jQuery Isometric Map Plugin



* Copyright 2010, Christian Weber

* Free for commercial and

* non-commercial use. Please shoot

* me an email if you use it. Would love

* to see it in action. :)


* Date: Wed May 5 17:12:43 2010 +0100


// enables the $ function even if its disabled because of jQuery compatibility mode

(function($) {

// create gameMap namespace / main function

// so it can be used using $(element).gameMap();

$.fn.gameMap = function(options) {

// public property access

// those set the base values

$.fn.gameMap.defaults = {

xpos : 50,

ypos : 50,






map : {}


// create the configuration file

// this merges the defaults properties with the given options

// the bool value at the beginning lets the function check recusively

var config = $.extend(true,$.fn.gameMap.defaults,options);

// get the elements height and width

// self explaining

var wWidth = $(this).width();

var wHeight = $(this).height();

// sets the baseline for rendering of the isometric tiles

// as they go diagonal, we have to begin in the middle

var half = (config.mapsize*(config.tilesize/2))/2;

// just to be on the secure size we overload the variable to a local one

// so we have access to it for every instance and not globally

var obj = $(this);

// create base function

// this is the constructor function that gets

// called at the end of this plugin

$.fn.gameMap.init_game_interface = function() {

// set the first game map properties

// fill the backgorund with a base color

// isometric maps wont be filling at the corners


// check if the content container is existing

// if not add it to the given div. this is needed

// for easy displaying of the correct part of the map

// if it is bigger than the elements size

if(obj.children('div.content').length == 0) { obj.append('

'); }

// paint the map

// initialize the map rendering



// map rendering function

$.fn.gameMap.initMap = function() {

// set the size of the content element so nothing gets lost :)

// the height gets only multiplicated with half of the tiles size

// as they are positioned differently and only half of the tiles size

// matters. else we would have free sapce between the tiles


// create the isomap

// loops through the whole map data array

// no matter where it starts

for(var y in {

for(var x in[y]) {

// call the intern function to create a new tile

// can also be used to add new tiles after the

// plugin got initialized




// move to the starting position

// this will center on the given coordinates



// tile adding function

$.fn.gameMap.addTile = function(tile,x,y) {

// calculate x and y position of the tile

// sometimes the images have not totally correct dimensions like in our case

// so we have to use x and y corrections to position everything correctly

// for the xposition of the tile we just have to sum the x and y position

// as for example 1,0 and 0,1 will have the same x-position

var xpos = config.tilesize+((x*config.xcorrection)+((y)*config.xcorrection));

// the y position is a bit more complicated. we have to remember that sometimes

// it has to go up and sometimes down from the baseline, we calculated at the

// beginning. so we just subtract the calculation of the y value minus the x value

// if a positive value will be subtracted from the baseline it will be an addition

// as + and - results in - so the tile will be higher than the baseline.

// on a negative value - - it will result in a positive value so the position of

// the tile will be lower than the baseline

var ypos = half-(((y)*config.ycorrection)-(x*config.ycorrection));

// check if this is the starting position and mark it

// this was just for testing purposes so we can see

// the given starting position visually

var hilight = '';

if(x==config.xpos && y == config.ypos) { hilight = 'border:1px solid #990000;'; }

// create element

// we create a div element with the correct tile class and the calculated x and y

// positions as top and left values of the inline css

// this also calculated the correct z-index as bottom left elements will aways

// needa� higher priority than the tiles behind them.

var el = '


// add to content element

// just adds the element to the content element


// attach information event

// this was also added for testing purposes but might be useful



// the information event i created for testing purposes

$.fn.gameMap.tileInfo = function(tile,x,y) {

// on mouse over it shows some details of the tile including its position

// and the top and left values

tile.mouseover(function() {

$('div#interface p').html(typeof(tile)+' ('+tile.attr('id')+') on '+x+','+y+' Pos: '+tile.css('left')+'px, '+tile.css('top')+'px');



// this function centers the map on a given position

$.fn.gameMap.moveMap = function(x,y) {

// set the correct position of the object

// the calculations are the same as the ones of each tile

// except that we subtract the half of the elements height

// and width to have the coordinate at the middle



// call the constructor function


// return the jQuery object as every jQuery function does

// enables something like this $(element).gameMap().css('border','5px solid #990000');

return obj;



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I'm a freelancing webcoder from germany next to Frankfurt. I'm developing web application solutions for mid-sized companies. I'm a coder with minor art skills.
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